Traffic Updates & Budget Cut Delays – October’24
a) Road Grids
The Village Assistant has produced a very comprehensive document for water monitoring/grid monitoring which has been presented to the Parish Council together with a Grid Monitoring report this has been submitted to CWAC Highways for their attention, showing a list of totally blocked grids. Cllr Beckitt arranged a meeting, attended by the Village Assistant and a resident at the Plough Lane/Quarry Lane junction, to review the grid monitoring reports. The CWAC Highways responded positively to the report and acknowledged the need to action clearing some of the identified blockages but, in the interim due to alleged budget cuts this will not now happen until the next financial year. The only criteria for getting grids unblocked is if the flooding reaches over halfway across the highway. Residents are being encouraged to report any such incidences on CWAC Highway reporting portal.
b) Primary School Footpath
The promise by CWAC Highways to ‘side-out’ the footpath in front of the Primary School has been withdrawn, again due to alleged budget cuts. The Primary School for their part has cut back the hedging along the footpath. Concerns have been raised by parents as to why the Council has not conducted the footpath work. The Highway’s Officer again confirmed that this is due to the alleged budget cuts. CWAC have launched a Volunteer Self-Help Scheme where members of the public can organise teams of volunteers to conduct tasks in their area. The Council will provide all the necessary tools, Insurance cover and supervision for the works involved. The Parish Council is one of the responsible partners, along with CWAC and Self-Help Organiser who have to sign up to the agreement and after further discussion it was.
59/2024 Resolved: That Cllr Beckitt would sign the agreement on behalf of the Parish Council supporting that this work is appropriate, satisfactory and the Parish Council is satisfied that we are doing the right thing, and correct procedures are being followed. The Head teacher at the Primary School it in favour of the Scheme and a parent from the Primary School is organising a volunteer group to conduct the ‘siding-out’ of the footpath as a short-term solution. In the longer term the pathway requires considerable widening as a permanent solution. Enquiries will now be made to ascertain whether any of the Retirement Village’s S106 monies could be used towards the widening scheme.
Bridge Drive/A41 Junction
A Bridge Drive resident has identified deficiencies associated with the junction of Bridge Drive with the A41. These include vehicles parking too near the junction on Bridge Drive, worn out markings on the A41 and elimination of sight lines by vehicles parking on the grass verge hard up against the A41. Highways had planned to renew the markings this year, but due to the alleged budget cuts the earliest will now be April next year. The inappropriate parking has been picked up with the PCSO – if this is not effective, the white lines will in any case be reinstated at the drop-down kerbs, which will prevent parking at the extreme end of Bridge Drive.
Haslin Crescent/A41 Crossing
The replacement of all the A41 markings is now delayed until next year due to the alleged budget cuts.
Resurfacing of Canal Footpath
The work of resurfacing of the canal footpath is supported by the Ward Councillor and a petition will now be compiled. Action: Cllr Beckitt to action this item
Further updates from October’s meeting are available here
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